Clare Bowes Prints

“Cards + prints inspired by Northumberland and nature”

All items by Clare Bowes Prints

  • "Fifty Years" t-shirt - Pistachio!

    "Fifty Years" t-shirt - Pis...

    Clare Bowes Prints


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  • "Fifty Years" T-Shirt - Grey

    "Fifty Years" T-Shirt - Grey

    Clare Bowes Prints


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  • "Fifty Years t-shirt" - Sage

    "Fifty Years t-shirt" - Sage

    Clare Bowes Prints


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  • "Fifty Year T-Shirt" - Mango!

    "Fifty Year T-Shirt" - Mango!

    Clare Bowes Prints


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About Clare Bowes Prints

Clare Bowes Prints

Photographer dabbling in printmaking, amongst other things

Hello and thanks for stopping by!

My day job is a people and product photographer and though I absolutely love it I also really LOVE getting my hands dirty, whether that's through sketching, painting or printing. I'm not a trained printer by any means but have dabbled in it over the years; whilst on foundation course (a LONG time ago); on various courses in London and Newcastle since then, and now at my home on the floor with a wooden spoon! I just really enjoy the process of printmaking, find it totally therapeutic, and love taking an idea from sketchbook to final print.

When I'm not doing this kind of stuff you'll find me out and about in rural Northumberland (constant source of inspiration), looking after my two children (also a constant source of inspiration) or trying to stop my two cats from killing each other (not inspiriting at all)

Thanks again for checking out my little shop!

Clare x


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