The Creative Space

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The Creative Space
The Creative Space

“Paper artist working from a mindfulness, slow living perspective producing collages & cards”

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About The Creative Space

The Creative Space

Handmade original paper collages, greeting cards, tote bags and a tea towel from my original designs

I am Lauri Bower. I am a paper collage & mixed media artist making paper collages, and items printed from my original designs, greetings cards, tote bags and a tea towel. I make one-off pieces, which are beautiful individual pieces of artwork.
I aim to be as eco-friendly as possible.
I paint my papers before starting. My workspace often looks messy with everything to hand. Mindfulness & creativity go hand in hand for me.
My inspirations are words, poems and nature - my garden is my inspiration.
Originally trained in textile art my love of texture translates into the products I make. Mostly self taught I bring a life-long curiosity of all crafts and making (starting with sewing and knitting as a child thanks to my lovely Nannan!) to my work. I print with linocuts, I paint papers for collage, I marble, I sew on paper (my new favourite thing - gone are the days my lovely sewing machine was just for clothes!), I cut, manipulate and construct paper.
I work from home and love to have papers spread out in front of me when I'm working, it can get very messy!

My inspirations are - anything colourful, although my favourite colour ranges are blues, greens and purples, nature especially what's in my garden and words. I write my own poems and am very influenced by the teachings of Buddhist teacher Thich Nhat Hanh (check him out if you don't know his work). Papercut artists Rob Ryan and Tracey English are also in my inspiration list.
I'm an avid supporter of the JustACard campaign and believe in Makers and Artists supporting each other as a community rather than in competition.
I love Instagram challenges, particularly the #100DayProject which I try to complete each year.
I take part in local Craft Fairs and markets in and around Wetherby, York and Leeds and ArtistsAroundWetherby Open Studios.
I'm passionate about sustainability and being eco-conscious. I reduce waste by saving and using even the tiniest scraps of paper offcuts from my projects. My packaging is usually recycled, I use brown paper tape rather than plastic tape and make big efforts to reduce or eliminate plastic from my work.