
“Hats, bags and hair accessories made from vintage fabrics”

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Folksy is a place to buy hand crafted gifts and supplies from UK designer-makers

Here are some things just listed by other crafters and sellers on Folksy.

About Quaintfangled


I make hats, bags and hair accessories from repurposed vintage fabrics.

Recently I inherited some vintage fabric and clothes from my lovely mother in law, Gillian. This combined with a sewing hobby resulted in Quaintfangled! I take vintage fabrics and clothes and repurpose them into things hopefully people will like and want! It’s eco friendly slow fashion and I love it!
I live in Southport with my husband, 2 daughters (aged 21 and16), crazy miniature poodle and a cat! My sewing machines are in my conservatory so it can get a bit hot in there. I post regularly on Instagram as Quaintfangled highlighting my new makes and other local creatives.