All items by TimelessTreasure

About TimelessTreasure


Jewellery you love and need

Greetings! I'm thrilled to share a little piece of my story with you, So, here's a glimpse into my world of handcrafted jewelry.

I am a proud housewife with 3 wonderfully kids, who embarked on a remarkable journey into the realm of jewelry-making. It all began with a spark of curiosity and a desire to turn my passion into a fulfilling venture. After enrolling in jewelry courses, I found myself immersed in the art of creating beautiful adornments that tell unique stories.

Working from the heart of my home, I discovered the joy of crafting jewelry that resonates with diverse tastes. From the elegance of bridal pieces to the charm of bangles and the whimsy of earrings, my creations span a wide spectrum of styles. Each piece is a labor of love, meticulously crafted to capture the essence of special moments.

What inspires me, you ask? It's the sheer joy of turning raw materials into expressions of art. The creative process is my sanctuary, and I find inspiration in the intricate details, the play of colors, and the endless possibilities that jewelry-making offers.

Folksy has become more than just a marketplace for me; it's a supportive community that encourages and uplifts artists like myself. The opportunity to connect with buyers who appreciate the artistry behind each piece is truly gratifying. Your support fuels my passion and motivates me to continue creating unique, handmade jewelry.

I invite you to explore my Folksy shop, where each piece is a reflection of my dedication to the craft. Thank you for being a part of my journey. Your support means the world to me, and I look forward to sharing more stories through my art.