All items by With A Letter Jewellery

  • Artist Earrings

    Artist Earrings

    With A Letter Jewellery


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About With A Letter Jewellery

With A Letter Jewellery

Fun, quirky, Handmade Jewellery, made to make you smile!

Hello there!

My name is Tam and I recently started up my own handade jewellery shop after having a bereavement and realising I needed a change. Nothing can make you see things in a different light like a loss can. Life is too short, so do things that make you creating your own arts and crafts jewellery business.

I am inspired by anything bright, colourful and beautiful - after all life, is grey enough! My ethos is to spread a little bit of cheer and I want to be able to make people smile when they put on their jewellery on.

I make mainly Polymer Clay and Shrinky Dinks earrings....yes, you read that right, shrinky dinks as in the child's toy! I do this because drawing is a passion of mine and in another life I would have loved to have been an artist. I find that my little shrinkies give me the freedom to draw and create whatever I want, whenever I want. It is the same for Polymer Clay. I love ceramics and sculpture and this medium gives me that freedom (just on a much smaller scale!)

Sending a little love to you all, Tam x