
Average review score:
(100% positive from 4 reviews)

    Reviewed by BusinessSmiths

    Bracelet - A beautifully made item which was delivered quickly very happy indeed.

    Heart - I bought this as a gift and my friend thought it was simply delightful, Thank you.

    Bird Brooch - This is a really fab and wonderful gift, love it!

    Sewing Jar - I love this, its really well crafted and unique...THANKS SO MUCH!

    Reviewed by umistwolf

    Love the sewing storage jar. I've not seen anything like it before. Great gift.

    Reviewed by Beard0

    Item is great quality and arrived promptly. Would buy from seller again.

    Reviewed by rayhv

    I was very pleased with the quick turnaround on my order and delighted with my purchase. I will be returning again to buy something else very soon.

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