
Paula Campbell

“Weddings, Prom, Festivals, parties, Races. Special occasion. Pageants, Party, Headdress, Headband, Bride, Bridesmaid, Tiara, ”

Shop collections

All items by Headdresstoimpress

  • Black and white teardrop.

    Black and white teardrop.


    £28.50 £18.00 (37% off)

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  • Teardrop flowers

    Teardrop flowers


    £22.50 £21.00 (7% off)

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  • Gorgeous Mother of pearl flowers headband

    Gorgeous Mother of pearl fl...



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  • Stars



    £12.50 £19.50 (-56% off)

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  • Blue crystal comb

    Blue crystal comb


    £22.50 £12.50 (44% off)

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About Headdresstoimpress


I am a trained milliner and make some great jewellery.

I was a milliner when i left school making bespoke hats for a number of famous people, including Lady Di, Queen Mother, and many more.. i went to London College of Fashion and got a degree in Clothing Production. I then went travelling for 10 months came home and decided i wanted to train as a Mental health nurse, which i did. I then carried it on and became a State registered nurse, got my degree and worked as a nurse. I loved working as a nurse, and made wedding dresses on the side. I worked as an end of life nures palliative care for last 10 years. However i had an operation that nearly killed me and had to give up work. I got married 5 years ago and started making headdress and jewellery again and love it so much. Being disabled has been hard for me being a nurse myself. But found a great way of coping and dealing with disability by making things that other people will enjoy wearing.