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Handmade By Diane
Handmade By Diane

“Handmade Cards And Gifts For All Your Special Occasions”

Shop Announcement:


Christmas Day Monday 25th December

This shop is currently empty. Please check back when we've restocked.

Folksy is a place to buy hand crafted gifts and supplies from UK designer-makers

Here are some things just listed by other crafters and sellers on Folksy.

About Handmade By Diane

Handmade By Diane

Handmade Cards And Gifts For All Your Special Occasions

I started cardmaking over 10 years ago as I couldn't find cards to suit the personalities of the children I used to childmind. I started with a shoe box with a few bits and bobs on the dining table but this quickly grew to several boxes and eventually my long-suffering Husband bought me a desk which lived in the corner of our bedroom (although my stuff sometimes escaped into other areas of our home too) Earlier last year I was lucky enough to get my own dedicated craft room in the garden so I can now craft while watching the pigeons fighting on the bird feeders.

I use a variety of techniques and materials in my items. Any papers I print are taken from CD roms that allow the sale of hand crafted items using their images. As well as cards of all sizes I also use my papercrafting skills to decorate boxes, wooden shapes and canvases, this the part of my business I'm hoping to expand so keep an eye on my shop for new projects.