Naturemake Studio

Naomi Vincent Plus

“ Beautiful and magical craft kits made to inspire... ”

All items by Naturemake Studio

  • Botanical Garden Hut

    Botanical Garden Hut

    Naturemake Studio


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  • Little Autumn Teepee Craft Kit

    Little Autumn Teepee Craft Kit

    Naturemake Studio


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  • Little Island Retreat

    Little Island Retreat

    Naturemake Studio


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  • Little Garden Teepee

    Little Garden Teepee

    Naturemake Studio


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About Naturemake Studio

Naturemake Studio

Miniature magical nature inspired craft kits

I'm Naomi and Naturemake is my little venture, there to inspire and bring creative joy to the people who come to my making workshops and makers of my beautiful craft kits.
I live and work in South Devon in a tiny village at the end of the road on the south West Coast Path. A typical day for me usually starts with a dip in the sea and I rarely return home without something in my hands or pockets - Driftwood, shells, acorn cups, seed heads, rose hips, leaves and twigs- foraged seasonal treasures that make me happy and inspire me with their form and potential for crafting with.

I also have a field, which i'm sharing with nature, where I grow lots of the flowers, trees and botanicals that I use for Naturemake,
I love how my kits excite and capture the imagination of the maker and appeal to both children and adults alike.