Visible Intentions

“Crafting Memories, One Brushstroke at a Time: Order Your Custom Portrait Today”

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  • Commission Art gift for him her Impressionist modern oil on canvas

    Commission Art gift for him...

    Visible Intentions

    £205.00 £199.00 (3% off)

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About Visible Intentions

Visible Intentions

Custom portrait from photo!

It is with great pleasure that we extend our artistic services to you on Folksy! Allow us to transform your cherished photographs into exquisite works of art through the mediums of oil painting, acrylic, watercolour, or pastel techniques. Our skilled artisans pour their passion and expertise into each stroke, ensuring that every piece is a masterpiece in its own right. Discover the beauty of bespoke artwork with us, where every portrait tells a unique story.

Why Choose Our Studio?

With over 20 years of professional experience, our studio stands as a beacon of artistic excellence. We take pride in our commitment to providing unparalleled quality in every piece we create. Here are some compelling reasons to choose our studio for your artistic needs:

Artisanal Expertise: Our team boasts over two decades of hands-on experience in the artistry field. We have honed our skills, ensuring that each piece reflects the mastery and proficiency that comes with years of dedicated craftsmanship.

Artist Grade Quality: We exclusively utilize paints of Artist Grade quality, guaranteeing exceptional results. The materials we employ are carefully selected to meet the highest standards, ensuring longevity, durability, and a superior finish.

Longevity and Resilience: Our creations withstand the test of time. The paintings produced in our studio resist cracking, peeling, and fading over the years, maintaining their pristine condition and aesthetic appeal.

Color-Centric Approach: Our team of expert painters specializes in color-centric work. We understand the nuances of color theory and apply this knowledge to every stroke, resulting in vibrant, visually stunning artworks.

High Pigment Density: We use paints with high pigment density, ensuring that the colors remain vivid and luminous. This commitment to quality pigments contributes to the lasting brilliance of our pieces.

Expert Colorists: Our artists are specialists in the realm of color. With a keen understanding of color palettes and harmonies, we bring an expert touch to every project, creating captivating and harmonious compositions.

Traditional Techniques: Embracing time-tested and proven techniques, we prioritize traditional methods that have been refined and perfected by generations of skilled artisans. This dedication to heritage ensures the creation of timeless and enduring artworks.

Craftsmanship and Artistic Value: Quality and craftsmanship are at the core of our artistic philosophy. Each piece is a testament to our commitment to delivering artworks of exceptional quality and artistic value.

Choose our studio for a journey into the world of artistry where tradition meets innovation, and every stroke tells a story of passion, skill, and enduring beauty."